Quelle, en: Rigger 3

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Nummer: 7910
Edition: 3
Erschienen: April 2001
Sprache: englisch
ISBN-13: 978-1555604028



Living is rigging, omae. Like burning rubber down the highway at 150 klicks an hour with only your brain to guide you. What about making a drone an extension of yourself, or undermining the security of a whole building, manipulating every camera, motion detector, or security door. But the biggest kick is blowing up a car full of goons without even jacking out - weapons of destruction at your mental command . . . now that's road rage, my friend.

Rigger 3 expands upon the basic rigging and drone rules provided in Shadowrun, Third Edition and offers advanced rules for robots, ships, security riggers, and electronic warfare. Rigger 3 also offers expanded vehicle listings and rules for vehicle design, construction, and modification. This revised edition has been corrected and updated, and includes a complete set of vehicle illustrations.